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The Hague Campaign Against the Mass Atrocity Crimes Committed by Hamas

How Did It All Start?

On October 7, the founder of Oct 7 Justice woke up to the siren alerts at 6:30 AM, like every other citizen in Israel. Long hours passed before the unimaginable horror unfolded. To this day, the shock remains profound, and information is still lacking.

Hamas murderers unleashed a nightmare. They literally opened the doors to hell. Hamas and the Palestinian militias who were their accomplices launched a brutal, generalized and systematic attack on the civilian population on Israel soil in approx. 28 different locations, including kibbutzes, cities, Road 232, Nova Festivals and three other festivals. The acts committed were of unparalleled brutality, desecrating individuals, families, and entire communities, creating personal, national, and global trauma.

In the ICC Prosecutor, Karim Khan's words: "...the love within a family, the deepest bonds between a parent and a child, were contorted to inflict unfathomable pain through calculated cruelty and extreme callousness. These acts demand accountability."

From this shock, attorney Yael Vias Gvirsman moved to action, as she realized she had a historical role to play. With 20 years of experience dealing with atrocities committed around the world, hands-on experience in litigation before four international criminal tribunals, and representing victims of international crimes in various countries, she brings an unmatched experience and is respected among her peers in the field, recieving the trust of professional bodies in Israel and abroad. Within days, she founded October 7 Justice Without Borders, a Non-Profit, to provide pro bono legal representation for victims of October 7 atrocities. Today, a dedicated and professional team stands by her side, along with partners around the world.

We are here to act for the victims of these atrocities and to defend their rights in international and domestic courts, in both criminal and civil proceedings. The collection, preservation, and analysis of evidence to support these proceedings is a critical focus of our work. The rights of victims to truth, recognition, and justice are our guiding lights.

Read more in an article from Israel Today about the “October Trials,” a legal front that the state cannot manage and that we lead.


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